I'm actually catching up rapidly on my wedding reviews. I'm up to April which does not sound too bad to me. This wedding was on Easter Sunday itself and had some very nice touches including an Easter egg hunt for all the guests. Hayley and Russell's wedding took place at the amazing
Bodelwyddan Castle in North Wales. A truly special venue for a wedding celebration and perfect for our lovely couple. After the service you get the run of the grounds for a couple of hours and then head off to your reception.

All the shoes of the day

The very proud Father has a little help

and then captures the getting ready on film

Shot from outside looking through the window with the sun reflecting. On paper it shouldn't really work but this picture just has something special about the feel of it. It's great when the experiments pay off.

Our beautiful bride is ready

well one more thing to go on actually

The bridal party arrives at the castle

A special moment as Russell see's his future wife

The kiss that seals the deal

Our bride awaits her guests for some pictures, I love this one of her

and this one

The castle has so many great places to explore

and they let you shoot indoors too. Very classical but definitely appropriate

Cup cakes seem to be way to go these days

A nice Easter Sunday touch with the favours

The line up

The flowers on the table were beautiful, tulips are my favourite flower

The beautiful flower girl during the speeches

Russell enjoys the best mans speech

And now we dance
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