The Washington D.C. Wedding :: Trinh & Tu

    Many of you might remember me mentioning I grew up in the D.C. area, (Arlington) as a youngster. I've been 3 times in the last year or so and get nostalgic every-time. This time around, I had the opportunity of shooting for Trinh and Tu who's wedding was at the Omni Shoreham hotel in the heart of D.C. Such a beautiful wedding. Everything was first class and the treatments were superb. Trinh, you make a beeeeautiful bride. Tu, your the Asian answer to 007. Smooth dude, smooth.

    So you've heard of having a second shooter. Well how bout a THIRD shooter!? I had the company of some great photographers and friends on this wedding. Tony, who's shot along side me on many occasions, and Candice K, who's portrait session I had the pleasure of shooting in Vegas last year. I'm not sure Trinh & Tu knew what him em. THANKS GUYS!! We rocked this one. You'll find images from all three of us below.

    Thanks for having us guys. Enjoy the images.

    My peeps. Say hi guys!
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