My Blog: Update on life

    Well hello there...Well a week or two before school started was amazingly crazy fun! I spent most of my time with chelsae and shawnae and we have been pretty much inseperable since then. Well I have successfully survived my first 8 days of high school. It has been really crazy and fun and everything. I have been really busy with Soccer too and we have only won 1 game but I am really having fun with it! I just signed up for band which is yet another commitement I have: playing the tenor saxaphone. WE get to go to California for seven days at the end of the year and I am soooo excited for that! This weekend I got to go to Idaho Falls and visit my family and we went to Texas Roadhouse and then I got to hang out with Taneil. It was pretty fun. As we were headed home we went to the Eastern Idaho state fair for a few hours and I saw a lot of old friends there. Its so weird seeing people that you haven't seen forever. Its like kind of sad though..that you haven't stayed in touch with them.I really hope that its not as awkward like that when I see my friends from Idaho Falls ten years from now! Well I have made a lot of new friends at Burley High school and I have lots of ambitions for this next year. I really hope this year turns out great. I am just going to have fun and be retarded. We don't really care what people think. Just having fun is the most important thing to me right now. Also my grades, I need to get good grades and so far its been really easy for me. I have lots of friends and upperclassmen to help me with homework and we are doing study groups and what not. Also a nice thing about high school is we have an AB schedule. We have 4 classes a day and the classes last about 90 minutes. This 90 minutes gives us a chance to get homework done and what not. We have 4 different classes every other day. So I like it because you don't have the same class every day so if at all possible you don't have homework every single night you always get an extra day to do it. yeah! Ok and then also you think I'm crazy but I want to get more involved and do more clubs and stuff. Do as much stuff as I can! When I was in junior high I never did anything it seems like..I wish I would have because it is sooo good for you. Well the next few weeks I am going to spend my time busy at practices and what not so I probably won't have any time to write a blog! HONESTLY...Tomorrow is labor day! YAY I don't know what its significance is but it pretty much rocks because we don't have to go to school. Okay well until next time LOVE YA!!!!!Alli

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