Slow down!!!

     Let's face it, after this point in my life, things aren't going to slow down much...It seems like things are either too slow or too much!! Right now is a too much stage and I don't think it will slow down for a while...I just registered for my senior year for the very last time in high school...yikes! This week soccer season officially begins (which results in no life until the end of october) and I still can remember my freshmen year looking up to the seniors and how old and cool they were, now I am there. It's all very surreal to me. It's my senior year and I am going to make it the most memorable and work the hardest. During the last month I started my new job. It's very simple and accomodating, I really think I will enjoy working there and I am picking everything up quickly. Life is good, but I have a feeling that juggling soccer, work, school, church responsibilities, college scholarship applications, student council, yearbook, and other extra curricular activities will definately burn me out! But I'm excited and ready to take this year on and just completely jump in. I also am sure I will make plenty of time for pranks and crazy friends! The most important thing for me right now is to make memories and experiences and enjoy every minute while I'm still at home...on Sunday I spoke in church and I kept hearing "ALLI ALLI ALLI ALLI" Later I came to find out it was jack jack and my mom had to take him out due to his "distracting" calls. He also enjoys saying BARNEY and he is completely addicted, sad to say...and KITTY is another among his vocabulary and by far his favorite thing to try and kill. I'm definately going to miss that little booger when I head off to college.
    Maddie was complaining about her loose tooth the other day so just like any other big sister, without hesitation, I grabbed a paper towel and yanked the sucker out in one shot. She was mad at first, but in the end grateful... haha I think?
    Yeah...I can't believe it either!
    oh no...We forgot to shave again...

    I get to help put together a float and be in the annual Cassia County parade for BHS Student Council. We were up in the costume closet goofing off and went through the roles of rice-picker, iranian girl, egyption, genie with massive hips, toga, and many other interesting characters...I like this one for Soph:)
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