i just got home from school,i know pretty late.but i was working on a presentation
that i will be presenting in front of the class on finals week;which is in three weeks.
so things are pretty chaotic as they are and i have loads of homework.
it's tiring but it all pays off at the very end.
it was my first time taking the train home this late too,was a bit worried but my dad
was already waiting for me at the train station pretty early.
plus the beauty of the city lights in the dark was complete beauty,i was hypnotized by it,
no i am working on typing up this essay that is due tomorrow for my English class.
the essay has to do with love,and today i really don't want to focus on that subject at all but regardless of being forced to do so...the inspiration of love is really flowing
on this piece of paper.hopefully it comes out great.
hei hei
xoxoSource URL: http://lifestyleartsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/i-be-shadow-of-man-i-used-to-be.html
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