Meet tonight smokin couple. Jessica & Cory say their I-do's in just a few weeks this Sept. If Cory played a movie role, it would be the silent cool guy. Hilarious story on how these guys hooked up. Long story short, Cory, known cool guy, used the most awesome line and totally sent Jessica the other direction. Cool guys get all the girls though, so fast forward a few weeks and guess who's hangin on cool guys arm? **wishes I was a cool guy**
Big ups to my VERY good buddy Mondo for coming to help on this one. Mondo isn't even a photographer but whenever he gets a chance to be around a girl, he takes it. Yeah, he's single. :P
Another thank you to Dolores for helping out as assistant as well. Drove all the way from the valley to be a part. You both are awesome. Sweep the leg.
Jessica & Cory, you guys rock. Wedding will rock more. Enjoy the shots folks. :)

cue smoke.

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