A gorgeous hot sunny day greeted the lovely Carolyn and Martin at Barnett Hill in Surrey. A fabulous venue with large grounds, beautiful views and lovely interiors allowed the couple their children and all the guests to have a truly memorable wedding day. It is a testament to the couples love that it is the first wedding I've been to where the registrar ended up in tears during the service as the emotions got to her.
This was an emotional and beautiful wedding to photograph.
Carolyn's diamond earings

and her gorgeous shoes

Martin and the boys sort out their button holes

The flower girls relax whilst waiting for the bride

I just love this portrait of the couples daughter

Carolyn making her grand entrance

The emotional service gets underway

Just married

The room layout for the Wedding Breakfast

One of the girls lost in a moment

The venue was a real haven for kids at a wedding

The lovely harpist allowed the younger guests a chance to play

Some time alone

A wooded walkway in which we took a wrong turn ended up giving me a beautifully abstract shot of the couple, a happy accident if ever I saw one.

The imposing venue awaits their return

Time to relax

The speeches get underway

Apparently Martin was a bit of a child star in his younger days

A wonderful moment between Father and Son

One of my favourites

A later in the evening walk in the woods

Carolyn looking gorgeous on the staircase

Now that's how to start a party

Not to be outdone
Source URL: http://lifestyleartsblogs.blogspot.com/2009/08/carolyn-martin-at-barnett-hill.html
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This was an emotional and beautiful wedding to photograph.
Carolyn's diamond earings

and her gorgeous shoes

Martin and the boys sort out their button holes

The flower girls relax whilst waiting for the bride

I just love this portrait of the couples daughter

Carolyn making her grand entrance

The emotional service gets underway

Just married

The room layout for the Wedding Breakfast

One of the girls lost in a moment

The venue was a real haven for kids at a wedding

The lovely harpist allowed the younger guests a chance to play

Some time alone

A wooded walkway in which we took a wrong turn ended up giving me a beautifully abstract shot of the couple, a happy accident if ever I saw one.

The imposing venue awaits their return

Time to relax

The speeches get underway

Apparently Martin was a bit of a child star in his younger days

A wonderful moment between Father and Son

One of my favourites

A later in the evening walk in the woods

Carolyn looking gorgeous on the staircase

Now that's how to start a party

Not to be outdone

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