Joe & Chelsea: Engagement Session

    Meet Joe & Chelsea. I think the word FUN really describes their session well. They're big day is in November and yours truly get to be there to photograph it. Truly in love and made for each other.

    This great couple opted to go to Santa Cruz to have their engagement session. We started at the park and made our way to the Boardwalk in the evening. And the skateboard shot.....kinda random, I know. We were killing time to get the right lighting and came up with this.

    Did some different post processing on this set then my usual. I did some vintage stuff on some of the Boardwalk scenes. I think it feels nostalgic and retro. I dug it a lot.

    Stay tuned, I have 4 weddings and 2 other engagement session along with some other stuff I've got cookin'. Feel free to drop the awesome couple a congrats while your here. Take care and enjoy the shots.


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