Music Photography :: Mark Yandris/Luis Lenzi

    Music is what feelings sound like.

    ~Author Unknown

    My next few posts will be a bit out of the ordinary for all that follow my blog. As much as I love shooting all things wedding photography, having a chance to do THIS is a welcome change here and there. If you haven't seen my work surrounding musicians in the past, have a look at these after you've had your fill with this fresh post:

    A.J. and the Band
    Kris Seibold
    Luis Lenzi, (our first shoot)

    This time around, I had the pleasure of shooting for 2 separate musicians on different shoots. Whats a bit of a coincidence both these guys have crossed musical paths before.

    First we have Mr. Luis Lenzi. You may remember Luis for a shoot we did for him early last year. He had put out a CD and here he is perusing further into his dream with CD numero dose. Proud of you my friend. You play the sax like no other. Be sure to check out his website and store:

    Luis Lenzi

    Secondly we have Mark Yandris. For many years, this mans abilities have been know to me, (and countless others) as a spearhead in the gospel music world. Excuse the modern day vernacular but the only way to describe the choir he leads is "slammin". If you're ever in Merced California on a Sunday hake your way over to Apostolic Tabernacle. You will leave blessed. Thanks for having me Mark! It was also a treat to have friend AND client, Eric come out to help as assistant on this shoot. He and his bride were married about 4 weeks back by yours truly. Photos soon to come!

    Thanks for stopping by folks. Up next is a clothing/model session and a
    book cover shoot. Lots to love.

    Happy Thursday!


    Luis Lenzi

    Mr Yandris

    Look! It's Sam...... ;)

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