The Lord is my Light......

    10 days ago I was faced with news that changed my whole life abruptly. I was placed in emotional survival mode, holding in and moving on as I watched my family and world crash around me. Approaching the start of my Senior year, the only thing left to do was "Be Strong", which happens to be the mutual theme for 2010, I will honestly admit that through this year (singing it, reading it, saying it) I never in fact took the time to look at and appreciate the message of the theme and apply it personally to my life. Little did I know and I have been told by many...that theme was made for me, I hold those words close to my heart as I face my biggest fears... "Be Strong and of a good courage. Be not afraid. Neither be thou dismayed. For the Lord thy God is with thee withersoever thou goest" I want to always remember the strength and wisdom I have gained and will continue to gain from this experience. I also want to record the plentiful blessings and tender loving mercies the good Lord has graciously offered me at this time. I have the desire and need more than ever to help and genuinely serve the Lord any chance I can by serving his children. My appreciation for the Savior and the Atonement has increased substantially which I never thought possible. I have embraced the miracle of forgiveness and humility. My mind has been opened as I try to mend issues beyond my level of maturity. I have come upon countless scriptures that comfort me and instantly bring me to tears because of the powerful messages that are personally revealed to me. I have opened my heart to the Lord and he has eased my burdens and I know for a surety that the Lord does visit his people in affliction. I have felt great joy and actual happiness when I thought all hope was lost. "Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy." The Lord has led me to Best Friends, more like angels, that undoubtedly stick by my side and open their homes and hearts to me without question. Our family has been cared for by a wonderful ward family that has served us in every way. I am so grateful for the love and support and selfless acts of kindness we have received from this community.Source URL:
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