Wowzers! Thats a lot of names that end with A. Such a stylish set of young people. This is session is supposed to be a secret for mom so sshhhhhhhh.
Julia, (the youngest) is an absolute doll. Ryan let me know she has Chi Du Chat syndrome. If I'm honest I've yet to here of it till that day. She's actually quite the miracle. Ryan tells me the someone with Cri Du Chat usually only develops a 7 word vocabulary at most. Comprehension is also not expected to be good at all. Julia however has a 70 word vocabulary and comprehends FAR more than most with Cri Du Chat. She even has her own BLOG. Go pay her a visit and let her know how beautiful you think she is.
The BEST part about this session is I had 2 of the most talented photographers in U.S., (you think I'm kidding, I'm not) come out and shoot this one with me. Maurice Ramirez & Ed Pingol are both internationally recognized photographers. Both award winning and both tearing up the wedding photography world. I hesitate even link them in fear of looking like a total noob compared to these guys. Serious fun. Check out some of the behind the scenes. Take care and enjoy the images.
Behind the scenes:
most of these were courtesy of Maurice and Ed. Thanks again guys. Some hilarious stuff here.
How can you not love this shot
My mom would laugh hysterically at this knowing her 30 year old son STILL sits like this! My sisters are laughing looking and reading this, I know they are.
The result of this pose is just above.
Maurice getting the shot.
Maurice, right, Ed left
The frame
Best way to end any photo-shoot. Pho! You're probably thinking, Sam's bowl was the empty one. Not so, actually mine is the one on the left with the most remaining. The empty one is Maurice's bowl!! Dude can put it away.
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